Page 63 - Avron_2023-Food-Catalogue
P. 63

PRODUC  T  PRICING                                                Pasta -  Rice - Beans
          online at
           Available when you
             register online                                Products only available within our delivery area. Call to inquire.  Pantry

                                                                 NURTURING KNOW-HOW
                                                                 Rice is the most consumed food in the world. It's grown and
                                                                 enjoyed by people of all cultures, tastes, and dietary preferences.


        As a side or a main, there are plenty of ways to eat them. From plain to fried or with your favourite sauces, enjoy the soft fluffy
        texture of rice.
        Basmati                           Brown Rice                        Uncle Ben's
        Organic white, fair trade         111-876        5 kg               Converted
        111-847        907 g                                                111-873        4 kg
                                          Instant Minute
        Organic Brown, fair trade         111-851        2.6 kg             White
        111-848        907 g                                                Chinese/Patna premium
        Economy                                                             111-856        8 kg
        111-849        10 lb
                                          111-845        5 kg
                                                                             NURTURING KNOW-HOW
                                                                             Quinoa is packed with essential nutrients,
                                          Long grain                         naturally gluten-free, and contains all nine
                                                                             essential amino acids. Go ahead and up your
                                          111-850        2 kg                lunchtime routine with this superfood.
                                          111-875        10 kg


        A good source of fibre, couscous is
        easy to prepare and packed full of                                  Quinoa
        nutrients.                        Pearl Barley
                                                                            Extremely healthy and gluten free,
        111-868        5 kg               High in fibre and rich in vitamins,   enjoy a quinoa salad with your next
                                          choose this great grain as an     meal or a savoury main dish. The
        Whole wheat                       alternative to rice or pasta.     possibilities are endless. Bag
        111-869        5 kg               111-931        2 lb               SPE-112        2.3 kg

         Photos may differ from the actual product. | For nutrition and ingredients information, visit our website

             Free Delivery  Within the GTA. See our website for more details.                    61
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