Page 69 - Avron_2023 Food Catalogue_Regional
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                REGIONAL OFFICE INFORMATION                                     SPECIAL ORDERS
        Ontario:        Quebec:             British Columbia:  A limited number of our available items are not stocked in our warehouses,
        T: 905.761.9752  T: 514.904.0575    T:  604.526.1482   as they are built to order, or require a colour selection.  These Special
        TF: 1.800.997.9752  TF: 1.855.535.0575  TF: 1.877.773.9993  Order products require a 50% deposit, and are subject to a restocking
        F: 905.761.9754  F: 514.904.0658    F: 604.525.1293    fee of 50% if cancelled after 24 hours upon confirming the order. These
        TFF: 1.800.595.9754  E:  E:  items are subject to an estimated 6-8 weeks delivery time. Some sensory
      E:                                        products are subject to an estimated 10-12 week delivery time.
                                                               Call Customer Service for more information.
                     OPENING AN ACCOUNT
      It is easy to open an account. Call our Customer Service Department at       DISCOUNTS
      your nearest branch. Generally, we can create an account immediately, or   Take advantage of our 3% discount on all orders over $300.00, before
      you may fill out a credit application and email or fax the form to the branch   taxes and shipping, to meet your budget needs. Some restrictions apply*.
      office.                                                  *Does not include clearance and/or featured flyer prices that have already been discounted.
                      TERMS OF PAYMENT                                      SHIPPING INFORMATION
      New Accounts must be prepaid in full by any of our accepted payment   Avron ships to everywhere in Canada; by our own trucks within the
      methods:                                                 specified delivery service areas in the Greater Toronto Area, and by a
      EFT: Direct deposit                                      courier or cartage company to all outside delivery service areas. For more
                                                               information regarding specified delivery areas as well as our shipping
      PAD: Pre-Authorized Debit                                prices and promotions, please visit
      Credit & Debit Cards: Visa and Mastercard
      Interac: E-transfer                                                         BACKORDERS
      Bill Payment: Our Payee Name is Avron Foods Limited.     Avron prides itself in shipping complete orders. However, in case of any
                                                               shortages, customers will be informed. If items are not available or become
      Cheque: Our Payee Name is Avron Foods Limited.           discontinued by the manufacturer, Avron has the right to cancel any
      Personal orders must be prepaid by Visa, Mastercard or Cash only.   backorders. Items not in stock at the time of processing your order will be
      Overdue accounts will be charged 2% per month on past due amounts.   shipped when available and invoiced separately.
      For established accounts, terms are net 21 days from date of invoice.   Some restrictions apply.
      Some restrictions apply.
                                                                                 RETURN POLICY
                        WAYS TO ORDER                          Your satisfaction with your purchase is important to us, and we want you to
      When placing an order, it is recommended that you include the product   be happy with the product you received. We recommend inspecting orders
      code numbers that appear in our catalogue or website. You can easily   immediately upon receipt and contacting our Customer Service Department
      order by phone, fax, email or online.                    within 24 hours if there are any issues or discrepancies with your shipment.
                                                               Failing to make a claim within the appropriate timeframe may result
      Phone: Call your nearest branch either local or toll free to place your order,   in couriers denying liability for damages. All returned product must be
      Monday through Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm. After hours and on holidays,   unopened in its original packaging and saleable condition; a 50% restocking
      please leave your name and a call back number and one of our Customer   fee applies to all items being returned or cancelled. In order to process
      Service Associates will return your call the next business day.  your return quickly, and to ensure your account is credited correctly, every
      Fax: Fax your nearest branch either local or toll free (if available) to place   return must be authorized by our Customer Service Department, and
      your order, 24/7. Please include the following information to ensure   accompanied by an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) form. Any
      accurate shipments: your name, company name, phone number including   returns sent without this form may not be adjusted accordingly. In order to
      area code, any specific shipping information, product codes and quantities.  avoid any errors, please verify your order before calling, faxing or emailing
      Email & Mail: Send to your nearest branch, using the correct email address   it to our office. Customers are responsible for shipping charges to return
                                                               products ordered in error.
      listed above.
                                                               Phone & Fax: Contact your local branch. Phone numbers are listed at the
      Online:                                     top of the page in the Regional Office Information section.
                             PRICES                            Photos may be required for returns or damaged items.
      Catalogue and online prices do not include the cost of transportation or
      any applicable taxes. All prices shown are in Canadian funds.               WARRANTIES
      Price Match Guarantee: We’ll match any competitor’s regular or advertised   An invoice must be provided by the customer for items that are covered
      price on an identical in-stock item (brand, size, model number). Show   by a manufacturer’s warranty, (i.e. structural damage under normal use).
      us confirmation of the lower price via flyer or online on the competitor’s   Photographs may be required to support warranty claims. Carefully follow
      website before you order and we’ll adjust the price. Some conditions apply.  instructions of cleaning and taking care of your products.
                                                               Some restrictions apply.
      For Canadian Customers: Goods & Services (GST), Harmonized Taxes   PRODUCT AVAILABILITY AND PRICING
      (HST) and/or (PST/QST) will be added to orders where applicable.   Every attempt will be made to offer goods at the prices listed, and to
      Tax-Exempt Customers must provide tax exemption numbers (cards). For   maintain product availability. However, due to market and currency
      your reference, our business numbers are: Toronto 87021 7551 RT0001;   fluctuations, Avron reserves the right to discontinue items or change
      Québec 853470904RT0001 (GST) et 1218110581TQ0001 (QST); British   prices without notice. Some products may not be exactly as illustrated.
      Columbia 79110 7121 RT0001.                              Colour availability may be subject to change. E & O E.
      Name  ________________________________________________    Signature  ______________________________________________________    Date  _______________________________
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