Page 7 - Avron_2023 Food Catalogue_Regional
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Providing customers with a                             INCREDIBLE BENEFITS AWAIT
                                                                        Switch to Avron

        SAVE ON TIME & MONEY                                   WORK WITHIN YOUR BUDGET
        Are you spending lots of time going out to buy the     No matter how big or small your funding may be, Avron
        essentials for your business? Do you leave your office   works with you to find the right products for your
        more than once a week to shop at 3 or 4 different      business, all while staying within your budget.
        stores each time?

        You could save a lot of time and gas money by doing
        all your shopping at Avron. We are your One Stop Shop
        for all that you need and more, plus you’ll get the full-
        service experience and all the Avron Advantages.

                                                                DELIVERY REDEFINED: AVRON FOODS

                                                                Make time work for you and your business. With special
                                                                delivery accommodations from Avron, we’ll make sure
                                                                your groceries arrive as requested – on time, in the
                                                                right spot, and with the utmost care! You can also count
        PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONS                                   on our fleet of specially equipped reefer trucks and

        If items are out of stock on your order, Avron’s        professional drivers to deliver your food at the perfect
                                                                temperature. This top-tier service is available at no
        professional customer care team notifies and works      extra cost. Enjoy this great service when you partner
        with you to find suitable alternatives for the products   with Avron and redefine your food and snack delivery
        that need to be replaced. We take this extra step to    experience.
        avoid delays and ensure you get your order within the
        specified time.                                         Service available within our food delivery area only.

             Free Delivery  Within the GTA. See our website for more details.                    5
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