Page 12 - Avron_2023-Food-Catalogue
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STUDENT NUTRITION PROGRAMS                                Dedicated to providing children with
        Valued Partner                                            HEALTHY NOURISHING FOOD



        Providing children with healthy, nutritious food
        is essential for them to reach their full potential.
        Student Nutrition Programs across several regions
        in Ontario have partnered with Avron to provide an
        amazing selection of foods for serving universal
        breakfast and snack programs. Together, we can
        ensure children in Ontario have the opportunity to
        Eat, Learn and Succeed!

                                                                MEMBER TESTIMONIALS

                                                                Hear first-hand what members are saying about the

                                                                “Our students have really enjoyed everything we have purchased!
                                                                Especially cereals, cheese, and muffins. The customer service and
        PRODUCT SELECTION                                       delivery personnel have been friendly and great to work with every time.”
                                                                Elementary school SNP coordinator
        Keep your school or childcare centre stocked with       Barrie, Ontario
        healthy, delicious food and snacks for all! AVRON       “We order a variety of items from Avron... Snacks are switched up every
        has teamed up with Student Nutrition Programs to        day, so it doesn’t get boring. Helen who is our contact person is helpful
        tailor a diverse product list that meets their Nutrition   and knowledgeable with health guidelines and popular and safe student
        Guidelines, which can also suit daycares as well.       snacks. I am satisfied with Avron’s customer service, products and
        Avron has many allergy-friendly options tailored to     delivery...”
        children’s dietary needs – from fresh produce and       Elementary school SNP coordinator
        pantry essentials to peanut and tree nut free items.    Mississauga, Ontario
        We are bringing nutrition and convenience together!
                                                                “The kids really like the carrot muffins (shaped like a mini loaf), scones
                                                                and cranberry cookies. Delivery is always prompt and ordering is
                  Throughout this catalogue we have             easy (thank you for adding a few extra deliveries around the holiday
                  highlighted some of the products that         periods)!”
                  meet the Student Nutrition Program            Elementary school SNP coordinator
                  guidelines.                                   Bracebridge, Ontario

     10                          Head Office: 1.800.997.9752                 Valued Partner  Healthy nourishing food for all children.
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