Page 17 - Avron_2023-Food-Catalogue
P. 17

PRODUCT PRICING                                                                 Vegetables
           Available when you
             register online         All fresh fruit and vegetable   Products only available within our delivery area. Call to inquire.
                                     items on this page meet the
                                     Student Nutrition Program
                                                                              NURTURING KNOW-HOW
                                                                              Maintain freshness by storing in the fridge.  Fruits & Vegetables

        Corn on the Cob

        An iconic summer food you can boil
        or grill! Enjoy the sweet taste of corn   Tomatoes                  Peppers
        straight off the cob.
        114-215     Each                  Eaten raw in salads or prepared in   Did you know that peppers are actually
                                          sauces, enjoy the sweet tang of fresh   fruit? To be weighed.
                                          tomatoes. To be weighed.          Green          Yellow
                                          Fresh                             114-227   lb   114-247  lb
                                          114-237     lb
        Cucumbers                         Roma  Plum                        Red            Jalapeno

        Cucumbers are refreshing and great in   114-251  lb                 114-228   lb   114-242  lb
        salads or on its own.             Cherry                            Orange
                                          Clam shell package                114-245   lb
        114-216     Each                  114-252     Each

        SPE-305     6/pack
                                          Mushrooms                         Eggplant

                                          A delicious side dish or the main   Eggplant, or aubergine, provides fibre
                                          feature, mushrooms are a low      and a range of nutrients. To be weighed.
        Celery                            calorie source of fibre, protein, and   114-260E  lb
                                          antioxidants. To be weighed.
                                          114-224     lb
        A vegetable with a lot of crunch when                                 NURTURING KNOW-HOW
        raw or flavour when cooked. Perfect in
        tuna salads and holiday stuffing.                                     Store green onions and leeks in the fridge.

        114-212     Each
        Pre-Washed Sticks                 Garlic & Onions

        SPE-127     Bag
                                          Fresh and delicious aromatics.
          NURTURING                       Garlic - Clove                    Purple Onion
          KNOW-HOW                        114-218     Each                  114-243     Each
          Place in the fridge or
          blanch and freeze.              Chopped Garlic                    Green Onions
        Asparagus                         In oil.                           114-219     Bunch
                                          114-246     1.36 kg
        Asparagus is a good source of vitamin                               Fresh Leeks
        B6.                               Cooking Onions                    114-240     Bunch
        114-254     Bunch                 114-225     2 lb bag

        Photos may differ from the actual product. | For nutrition and ingredients information, visit our website

             Free Delivery  Within the GTA. See our website for more details.                    15
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